28.01.2013 - 22:41 / jonjon.

Next time there will be comics/diary type of thing, I promise.

Now I will talk briefly about this blog, why I did this and why the name. Literally a short one; like 3 lines of texts and two pictures.

Why a blog?

– There really is no one specific reason to do this; more just because I can and will. And it’s a good chance to develop and make better comics.

Why the name of the blog is zombiecakes?

– I like zombies/awesome things and because my mom is a baker, cakes/sweet things have been a big part of my life since I was a kid. And there will be zombies in this blog; buckets of them actually.

Look at it and say it's not cool


Zombies and cakes


Kategoria: JAM, taide.

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I'm Jon; your designated illustrator-artist-person.

will post pictures of robots and monster
unfortunately no pictures of spiderman

Blog is definitely NSFW about 40-60% of the time so be careful i guess.

Viimeisimmät artikkelit

