Kuukausiarkisto helmikuu, 2013

* I try dem coloooourrrss

Kirjoitettu 12.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa Yleinen.

I like trying watercolours at random sometimes... Like now with this dandy candygunner

Oh do I try





* Comics 24/7 II

Kirjoitettu 8.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa harjoittelu, sarjakuva.

I bet my boss told me to do something crazy again.


* JAM 1

Kirjoitettu 5.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, JAM, sarjakuva.

No one said this was going to be solely about reality of my life.

This will make sense next week.


* That one zombie called Cakes

Kirjoitettu 3.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, taide.

It's a bit off season for this drawing but c'mon; at least one of the christmas spirits has to be some sort of zombie.

Made with inktense pencils and watercolour on blue paper. Neat.


* Comics 24/7 I

Kirjoitettu 1.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa harjoittelu, sarjakuva.

Working at the Comics Center was/is tons of fun though we can debate if I actually helped them at anything.

(and still trying to figure out how to do the text)


* My spirit animal is a ghost

Kirjoitettu 1.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, JAM, sarjakuva.

I think it was just a poor soul passing through our apartment when we suddenly connected




I'm Jon; your designated illustrator-artist-person.

will post pictures of robots and monster
unfortunately no pictures of spiderman

Blog is definitely NSFW about 40-60% of the time so be careful i guess.

Viimeisimmät artikkelit

