Kuukausiarkisto helmikuu, 2014

* having an epiphany afterwards that you shouldn’t have done this comic; the quirkiest of emotions

Kirjoitettu 4.02.2014 - jonjon. Kategoriassa ghost, sarjakuva.

OKAY SO… OKAY. The comic thing. It’s almost done, just gotta write one more paragraph and check the thing. Now I gotta get myself to print it. And then maybe sell it or something or dunno. Eat it.

I’m only gonna print 30+ something of this anyways…. for now.
*ollies into the sun*

that's the goddamn cover yo




I'm Jon; your designated illustrator-artist-person.

will post pictures of robots and monster
unfortunately no pictures of spiderman

Blog is definitely NSFW about 40-60% of the time so be careful i guess.

Viimeisimmät artikkelit

