Kategoria-arkisto ‘sarjakuva’
* Project Cake!!!
Kirjoitettu 1.10.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa harjoittelu, project cake, sarjakuva, taide.
Have I ever mentioned this before? Me doing a big comic? Like other than just these ghost creatures?
No?? Not really??? Because I’m part of the infamous clan of procrastinators who just doodle stuff at home and never do absolutely everything.
Hopefully next year will see a change to that as I hope to have time (and money, sheesh) to start this project. I want to do it by hand, all from inking to colouring..
I don’t wanna tell too much yet but BUT the comic will have robots and zombies and monkeys. It’s basically gonna be post-apocalyptic science-fantasy…. about baking. Because I adore post-apocalyptic stuff; it’s the best and gives room for funky evolutions and development. And I love cooking and stuff so sure, why not? But yeah, I’ll update what’s happening.
And a chance to draw robotzombies? COUNT ME IN.
The monkey here is the famous ”cream monkey” aka ”kerma-apina” some people might know.
He actually has a name now!
I decided to call him Monty. He’s a… baker. Yes, let’s go with that.
And give me a break guys about the name, it was like 3am when I came up with it. It’s not the actual name of the comic, urgh.
Also no Portal jokes or I will kick your face in.
* Osa II alkupalku, joku palko
Kirjoitettu 17.07.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa JAM, sarjakuva.
* Oh deer
Kirjoitettu 22.03.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, sarjakuva.
Kirjoitettu 12.03.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa sarjakuva, Yleinen.
Kirjoitettu 7.03.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa sarjakuva, taide.
Want to buy a comic I did for this legit cool poem called Wunderbaum? Go here and find comics dispenser; it’s only 2 euros and you get bunch of comics.
* Comics 24/7 II
Kirjoitettu 8.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa harjoittelu, sarjakuva.
* JAM 1
Kirjoitettu 5.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, JAM, sarjakuva.
No one said this was going to be solely about reality of my life.
This will make sense next week.
* Comics 24/7 I
Kirjoitettu 1.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa harjoittelu, sarjakuva.
Working at the Comics Center was/is tons of fun though we can debate if I actually helped them at anything.
(and still trying to figure out how to do the text)
* My spirit animal is a ghost
Kirjoitettu 1.02.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa fiction or not?, JAM, sarjakuva.
* Future of this blog
Kirjoitettu 30.01.2013 - jonjon. Kategoriassa JAM, sarjakuva.
Briefly in English: Me thinking about this blog and people will realize what kinda person I am: stupid and mad.
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